Friday, December 12, 2008

In Melbourne

Last week, we happened to attend Ied Prayer at Melbourne Uni to celebrate the Day of Sacrifice. My close friend Imam gave us a leave to the campus from Clayton to Parkvile. The journey to the campus took about 25 minutes, for we were off at 6am in the early morning. The weather was so nice and breezy. The sky was clear and blue with only small tiny pieces of clouds covered it. Although the ambience was so fantastic, we got to be fully alerted by a dramatic changing weather, since we knew that Melbourne is the city with four seasons in a single day! Here are some pictures of my wife, Yulia, Imam, and I in black and white. I love it due to its antique nuance. I told Imam that we posed in front of the camera as if we were people of the oldies. Anyway, I just want to keep a memory of friendship and love that always flashes into my mind.


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